Benefits Summit Track: Solutions to Closing Health Equity Gaps
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 9:50 AM - 10:20 AM
Dr. Jeffrey Kraus LuAnn Johnson

Learn how Fortune 500 employers are addressing the growing chronic pain epidemic to narrow health equity gaps and improve access to care for all. People of color and lower income groups with chronic pain and mental health conditions are more likely to experience higher pain levels and a greater impact on their health. Hinge Health's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jeffrey Kraus will discuss how personalized, digital care solutions are one way to address these disparities.

Key Takeaways: 
● The impact of income, mental health, and race and ethnicity on musculoskeletal care
● Why addressing the chronic pain epidemic requires holistic and personalized care
● How digital care solutions can help to improve access and narrow health equity gaps

Session Type
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