Plenary: Financial Resilience Across the Five Generation Workforce: Adapting to the Longevity Economy
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Lin Shi Mandy Lau

As society ages, how do we evolve organizational culture, careers, and benefits to adapt to an aging working population, and promote financial resilience?  By 2035 in the United States, there will be more adults over age 65 than children. This aging shift in demographics impacts how tech companies attract, retain, and retire talent. With the World Economic Forum, Mercer is developing Longevity Economy Principles to redefine retirement and enable longer careers. How can companies thrive as workforce demographics change, while also helping employees financially thrive in their longer lives?

Key takeaways:
•    Understanding of key global trends surrounding retirement and employee financial health
•    Ability to apply innovative approaches to adapt to an aging eligible workforce
•    Case study of how an organization can support financial resilience across generations

Session Type
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