Benefits Summit Track: Cost, Affordability, and HR Benefits Management in an Inflationary Environment
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 10:55 AM - 11:40 AM
Lena Hunsinger

Globally, general inflation is sweeping into medical costs after a predictable time lag, with important downstream consequences for employers, brokers/consultants and (most importantly) consumers. This session will outline employers' challenges in simultaneously addressing U.S. total plan cost and member affordability in an inflationary environment. 

Key takeaways: 

  • View of how cost trend drivers are unfolding in the Healthcare market for the coming years
  • How employees are faring after more than a decade of escalating point-of-care cost-shifting in the name of “consumerism”
  • Practical steps the CVS Health HR team has taken to understand and address the special health needs of low-wage workers
Session Type
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